Sample Page

Find the explanation in Green Color.

(You can see the complete details of the sample page, however, other Paralegal pages can be accessed only by verified persons.)


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(Instructions and directions are mentioned here.)

Paralegal Instructions.docx

The Workpaper

Work on this Google Docs. Collaborate with our team and edit it live.

(This paper is shareaeble, what you write, can be read by us. So, no headache in sharing the emails and comments. Collaboration is easy.)

Sample worksheet.docx


Get the details, relevant documents from clients, here.

(The primary documents submitted by the clients or any other draft shall be made available to the Paralegal here.)

Delivered Documents

Save the completed document in this folder.

(When you complete the work, save the documents here. We shall access them here only, so no need to send the mails again and again)

Transparent Details

  • Complete the work, and mention the details in this excel sheet.

  • Mention the details of the legal work that you have outsourced to LawDocs

  • LawDocs shall transfer your earned amount in the first week of every month.

(The financial details are mentioned here)

Sample Excelsheet.xlsx

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